Welcome to the Point Grey Mini School
UPDATE MARCH 5: Our Class of 2030 is complete! Thanks to all those students who applied to our program. We've met so many amazing students along the way and we wish you the very best for the rest of your school year and the fall. Thank you for your courage in taking a big risk in putting yourself through the intake and interviews.
Point Grey Mini School is designed to provide motivated students with an enriched and challenging course of studies in a small and cohesive setting. We aim to create a learning environment which promotes the development of critical and creative thinking skills and independence in learning.
Each year, there are about 140 students from Grades 8 to 12 with 28 students in each grade. Throughout their five years in the Mini, students are provided with the opportunity to leave the traditional classroom setting and take part in a variety of field trips, including several extended field trips. Students will also work on independent projects, group projects, and cross-grade activities.
Point Grey Mini encourages active student and parent involvement. Student involvement and service within the Mini helps develop the sense of inter-grade and intra-grade community critical to the program. Each year, the Mini Leadership 12 class works to provide students with fun and engaging events throughout the course of the year and helps new Grade 8 students transition from elementary to secondary school.
Parent involvement is also fundamental to the Mini. Parents assist in many events such as the annual Mini Prom, fundraising, and the organizing of monthly Mini Parent Advisory Committees. Parents are also granted the opportunity to chaperone students on the major field trips they take part in throughout the year. Accompanying parents are fully accommodated for.
Students in the Mini have full access to all facilities, clubs, and sports teams of Point Grey Secondary School and have the opportunity to run for positions in the Point Grey Student Council along with the Mini Student Council. Fine Arts and Applied Skills courses are taken in the main school. Once accepted into the program, students are expected to be committed to the full five years of enrolment in the Mini.
The Mini is Waiting for You. filmed and directed by Monique Fleming and Kaelyn Fairbairn (PGM Class of 2021).
Inside PG Mini filmed and directed by Greer Ross-Mclennan (PGM class of 2016)